39th Annual Stephenville Texas T Party (Sep. 28th – Oct 2nd, 2016)
The 2016 Texas T-Party was in Stephenville, Texas
Daily Tours:
WEDNESDAY: Soda Bottling Works and Museum in Dublin, lunch at Comanche City Park, Terrill Auto Museum in DeLeon
THURSDAY: Stephenville Oxford House (picture day), shopping in Granbury, lunch Mesquite Pit restaurant, Dinner at the City Park – hosted by the Chamber of Commerce
FRIDAY: Museums and shops in Hico, lunch in Glen Rose at Glen Lake Camp, optional (water crossing), TOUR BANQUET
SATURDAY: drive to Ranger for the 10th annual Ranger Fly-In, lunch at the air show, back to Stephenville.
Please contact Kathy Harris – 214-801-5288 or email if you need further information.