2024 Texas T Party in Kerrville, Texas

The 2024 Texas T Party was held in Kerrville, Texas on October 16 – 19, 2024 at the Inn of The Hills Hotel  https://www.innofthehills.com/.  We had FOUR DAYS OF HILL COUNTRY FUN!


Tuesday Afternoon –

  • Registration in the Board Room at the Inn for Check-in. 
  • Tuesday evening, ‘Welcome to the T Party’ get together in the Board Room.

 Wednesday – Harper, Texas

  • Starting from the hotel, we took some back roads to Stone Henge (they call it Stone Hinge down here). Then some scenic country roads to arrive in Harper Texas.  Visited the Pioneer Museum in Harper, followed by a spectacular TEX/MEX lunch at the Harper pavilion.  Next some more beautiful country roads take us to The Ridge, a snack shop and great bakery, for a dessert and pit stop.  Next, it’s on to the James Avery Hill Country Jewelry store.

Wednesday evening

  • Socializing at the hotels Western Bar named The Inn Pub.
  • Dan Bratcher presented another one of his ‘Model T Round Table Sessions’ in the Board Room.

Thursday – Fredericksburg, Texas

  • A short drive to the Arcadia theater in Kerrville where the official tour photos will be taken. Then it’s a scenic drive on country roads to Fredericksburg, Texas.  If you wish, use your museum ticket for a free visit to The Museum of the Pacific War.  Fredericksburg also has great shopping.  The drive back to Kerrville was over cattle-country back roads.

Thursday evening

  • This evening will feature the Sophie Adcock Memorial Farkel tournament in the Board Room. 
  • DJ in the Pub played Country and Western music.
  • Blayn Heimann and wife Effie taught Texas Two-Step and Country Line Dancing in the Pub. 
  • The Pinewood Derby ran for the young at heart.

Friday – The YO Ranch

  • A drive in the West Texas scenic rolling hills to the YO Ranch. Here we were treated to a Texas BBQ lunch and a free tour of their exotic animals and long horn cattle.  Next a drive along the scenic Guadalupe River for a stop at The Hunt store.  Grabbed an ice cream or a drink.  Then on to Bridget’s Basket, a beautiful winery in the valley.  Visited their gift store and had a taste of their wine.  

Friday evening

  • Socializing and Karaoke at The Inn Pub.

Saturday – Bandera, Texas

  • A drive through cattle country back roads to the Texas town of Center Point, then on country roads to the ‘Ridin’-The-River Cowboy Fellowship’ for a catered lunch. Travelled on to the Bandera Natural History Museum in Bandera, Texas, the Cowboy Capital of the World.  Here we visited the Natural History Museum.  In Bandera there was time for shopping and exploring.  Headed back toward Kerrville on beautiful country roads with a stop at Camp Verde for shopping and a pit stop.  

Saturday evening

  • The closing Banquet for the tour was held at The Inn of the Hills spacious Banquet Hall. A wonderful dinner, a cash bar and great companionship.
  • Country and Western band performs in the Inn Pub.
Photos and Videos were uploaded by tour participants here:
