2019 Frio Canyon Tour – May 9-12

Frio Canyon Tour May 9-12, 2019

Sponsored by Texas Tin Lizzies

Texas Tin Lizzies had a Model T Tour in the Garner, Uvalde, Utopia and Leakey areas, May 9 – 12. We stayed in Garner State Park.  We were spread out throughout the park depending on what kind of site you booked.  We had tent, RV, cabins and full trailer hook-up lots. Jim and Sandra Ruhmann were in the RIO FRIO campground, site 496 (tent camping).  Cabins and RV sites were also available at 4J Riverway (830) 232-6202, ½ mile east of Garner entrance.

We had a short-day tour on Thursday to Uvalde to visit the First State Bank (Garner Museum) and lunch.

On Friday, lunch at Camp Wood and Saturday, lunch in Bandera with a stop by Lost Maples Winery as we rode ‘The Twisted Sisters’. Be sure you have good brakes!

Sunday we headed back home.

We made our reservations at this website: Texas State Parks

We wore our swimsuits, we swam after touring all day!

Sandra Ruhmann

Texas Tin Lizzie President